Dr. Lorraine Caron

Naturopathic Doctor
**Dr. Caron is not currently practicing**
Well-Child Visits
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Email: drcaron@drlorrainecaron.com



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Well-Child Visits - A Holistic Perspective

big sisterNaturopathic medicine can foster positive and lasting change in your child's health by removing limiting factors, ensuring proper nutrition, using gentle, immune-strengthening therapies and reducing the need for drugs. When children are as healthy as they can be, they are able to grow to their fullest potential - physically, mentally, emotionally and socially.

Because they grow and change so quickly, well-child visits are an important part of your child's healthcare. While you are the person most tuned in to your child, the doctor is trained to recognize specific problems with growth and development. This gives you the best opportunity to make changes early and help your child reach their potential. Well-child visits are a great example of the holistic ideal of preventative care.

Dr. Caron offers well-child appointments. At each visit, she will perform a physical exam, talk with you about your child's physical, emotional, mental and social development, and answer any questions you may have. She believes in empowering parents to make healthy choices for their families.

Dr. Caron does not offer immunizations. She will give you information and resources to help you make informed choices, and can refer you to providers who do offer immunizations.


  • For the recommended schedule of well-child visits, click here.


  • To learn about changes to the World Health Organization's (WHO) child growth and development charts, click here...



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